Physical Education

• All students do warm-ups, walking, jogging, running and exercises to begin class, then receive instructions for the lesson, and end with a cool down.
• Each student will have a designated area/ spot where they will seat or stand up with their class.
• Class is held 2-3 times per week for a half hour
• Unit activities: Learning to Move, Pathways and Locomotor Movement, having a Ball-Bean bag and ball handling, Healthy Hearts, Healthy Bodies, Jump Rope for Heart
Grades 1:
• Class is held 2-3 times per week for a half hour
• Unit activities: Foot skills, dribbling and punting; Throwing and Catching; Jump Rope for Heart; Striking with long and short handled implements
Grades 2-3
• Class is held 2-3 times per week for a half hour
• Unit activities: Foot skills, dribbling and punting; Throwing and Catching; Jump Rope for Heart; Striking with long and short handled implements
Grades 4-6:
• Class is held 2 times per week for one hour
• Unit activities: Fitness and Conditioning, Virginia Wellness Fitness Tests, Throwing and Catching, Basketball, Jump Rope for Heart
Please Remember:
1. All students should wear sneakers that cover the entire foot.
2. All students Must bring a WATER BOTTLE if the Physical Education class is 1 hour
3. NO crocs, flip flops, slides, boots or dress shoes.
4. NO low hanging jewelry.
5. If students wear glasses and do not need them during class, please leave them in the classroom or on the stereo cart.
6. Any student not participating in P.E. is required to have a note.