Testing Information





Integrated Reading/Writing 

Dear Parents/Guardians of Grade 5 Students:

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) requires school divisions to give a special Integrated Reading/Writing (IRW) Test in spring 2024. Divisions must offer this test to all students who are scheduled to take an online Standards of Learning (SOL) Reading test for grade 5, grade 8, or end-of-course (EOC) this spring.

The IRW is scheduled for all fifth graders on Wednesday, April 17.  If possible, please do not schedule appointments for this date and ensure your child is on time to school. The test will consist of one non-fiction reading passage followed by a series of multiple-choice/technology-enhanced questions and an “invitation to write” based on the passage. This assessment will not count towards your child’s reading SOL pass requirements this year. You can find out more about testing here and here

If you have any questions about the IRW test, please contact your child's teacher or Ryan McGuin, @email  


​​​​​​Ryan McGuin

Assistant Principal

Standards of Learning (SOL)


Students in grades 3-6 will take the Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments this Spring. 

Federal law requires schools to give SOL tests in reading, math, and science.  Additionally, state policy requires schools to use local alternative assessments in grade levels and content areas where SOL tests have been removed.

  • SOL tests measure what students have learned of the content in skills detailed in the Virginia Standards of Learning.  Tests provide information about student achievement to the parent, school, school division, and state.  SOL scores are available for families by the start of the next school year.
  • Local alternative assessments are the combination of formal and informal assessments delivered as part of the regular classroom instruction throughout the school year.  Like SOL tests, the local alternative assessments measure student learning of the content standards.  Performance on local alternative assessments is incorporated into quarterly progress reports for families.

The list below shows which content areas are assessed at each grade level within the elementary school.  If you have questions about state assessments for your child, please contact your child’s teacher.

  • Grade 3:  SOL:  Reading and Math; Local Alternative Assessments in Science and Social Studies.
  • Grade 4:  SOL:  Reading and Math; Local Alternative Assessment in Social Studies (Virginia History)
  • Grade 5:  SOL:  Reading, Math, and Science; Local Alterative Assessment in Writing
  • Grade 6:  SOL:  Reading and Math; Local Alternative Assessment in Social Studies (US History to 1867)

All tests will begin shortly after school starts.

View All SOL Testing Dates

Please contact Ryan McGuin, our Testing Coordinator for SOLs, if you need assistance.  [email protected]

WIDA for English Students of Other Languages (ESOL)

WIDA - Practice Items -  from Chrome Browser

Students at Woodlawn ES are assessed in many areas throughout the year. Parents will receive a notification letter about the testing their child will have as well as the results of each test.

Some of the Virginia and Fairfax County  assessments that our students take are:

  • iReady Universal Screener for math and reading for K-6 students
  • Grades 3-6 Standards of Learning (SOL) tests and eCART tests 
  • Kindergarten Math Reasoning Assessments
  • Grades 1-2 Math Reasoning Assessments
  • Grades K-6 Developmental Reading Assessment, 2nd Edition
  • WIDA for ESOL students
  • Naglieri for grade 1 students 
  • CogAT for grade 2 students

Our school testing coordinator is Ryan McGuin.

Contact Mr. McGuin at [email protected] or 703-619-4800 with questions about your child's testing program or test results. 

SOL Testing Calendar 2024-2025

SOL Testing Dates for Woodlawn for the 2024-2025 School Year 

  • May 7: Reading (5th grade)
  • May 8: Reading (6th grade)
  • May 13: Reading (4th grade)
  • May 14: Science (5th grade)
  • May 15: Reading (3rd grade)
  • May 20: Math (4th grade)
  • May 21: Math (5th grade)
  • May 22: Math (6th grade)