Global Classroom Project

What is the Global Classroom Project?

Elementary, middle, and high schools throughout Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) participate in the Global Classroom Project, which provides an opportunity for students to work with peers from around the world on authentic tasks and challenges. 

As part of the Global Classroom Project, schools select a Sustainable Development Goal from among 17 goals established by the United Nations as a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. 

Throughout the Global Classroom Project, students also learn attributes of Portrait of a Graduate, which prioritizes the development of skills that will empower FCPS students to be productive citizens of a global community and successful in the workforce of the future. 

Our School's Partnership

Grade: 3rd 

Partner Country: Pakistan

Content Focus: English Language Aquisition

Sustainable Development Goal: Zero Hunger

The United Nations goal of Zero Hunger is about creating a world free of hunger by 2030.

  • End Hunger
  • Achieve Food Security and Improve Nutrition
  • Promote Sustainable Agriculture

FCPS Portrait of a Graduate Attributes: Ethical & Global Citizen, Communicator, Collaborator

Partnership Description: Students will gain understanding and awareness of how hunger affects their community locally and globally. We are working with five students in Karachi, Pakistan. Ms. Sarah Sajid Hakeem is teaching at MSB Educational Institute. The students belong to a closed community known as the Dawoodi Bohra Community. Together we are working toward the betterment of our communities and nation by helping others to get food and resources they need. We are partnering with the United Nations to ensure there is Zero Hunger by 2030.

Global Classroom Project Teacher