Absence, Early Dismissal, Late Arrival Attendance Form

Submit an Absence, Early Dismissal, or Late Arrival online

Absence, Early Dismissal, Late Arrival Attendance Form

Please be specific about the reason why your child will not be attending school today. If your reason for submitting a student absence is related to an illness, in the "Reason for Absence" blank space on the form below, please indicate whether your child has the symptoms listed above.

Report an Absence, Early Dismissal or Late Arrival - Additional Options

If your child will be absent, late to school, or dismissed early please notify us by using one of the following methods:

  1. Fill out the Absence, Early Dismissal, Late Arrival Attendance Form on this page
  2. Email [email protected]
  3. Call the attendance line -available 24 hours a day 703-619-4848

Reason for Absences (Symptoms)

  • Feeling feverish or chills
  • Fever greater than or equal to 100.4 F
  • Headache (not due to another health condition, hunger, menstrual cramps stress, or injury)
  • A new cough (not due to another health condition)
  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties (not due to diagnosed respiratory condition or if different than normal pattern of chronic condition)
  • A new sore throat (not due to another health condition)
  • Congestion or runny nose (not related to allergies or health condition)
  • Fatigue (more tired than normal or sudden onset)
  • New muscle pain (not due to another health condition or that may have been caused by a specific activity such as physical exercise)
  • New loss of taste, smell, or appetite
  • Abdominal pain (not due to hunger, constipation, injury, or stress)
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

When Should I Keep My Child Home?

The suggestions below are for children 5 to 18 years of age. Recommendations may be different for infants and younger children.

Symptoms and Illnesses

Should I Keep My Child Home?

Parent is Sick, Stressed, Hospitalized

NO - If you are sick, your child still needs to attend school. Your illness does not excuse your child from attending. Plan ahead for these days. Ask a neighbor, relative or spouse to take your child to and from school .

Chronic Illnesses (Asthma, Diabetes, Sickle Cell, Epilepsy etc.)

Chronic illness is a long-lasting condition that can be controlled but not cured.

NO – As long as your child’s symptoms are controlled, your child should attend school. School personnel are trained to assist children with chronic illnesses and related health care requirements.

Child Doesn’t Want to go to School

Frequent crying, fear, anger, not wanting to socialize, behavior change, stomach ache, nausea

(These can be signs of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, or fear)

NO – You should keep your child in school, but try to determine what is causing the changes. Talk to school personnel and consult a health care provider. Your child may be experiencing bullying or trauma, may be behind in schoolwork or not getting along with others. Persistent Indicators of distress may require support from school person- nel or health care professionals.

Cold Symptoms

Stuffy nose/runny nose, sneezing, mild cough, ear ache

NO - If your child is able to participate in school activities school should be attended.

Head Lice

Intense itching of the head; may feel like something is moving

NO – Your child can be in school if an initial treatment of shampooing of hair with a product for lice has been completed.

Menstrual Issues

NO – In most cases, menstrual issues (periods) can be managed at school. If se- vere pain is interfering with your child attending school, consult with a health care provider.

Strains, Sprains and Pains

NO – If there is no known injury and your child is able to function (walk, talk, eat), school should be attended. If pain is severe or doesn’t stop, consult a health care provider.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

The white of the eye is pink and there is a thick yellow/green discharge.

YES – If there is discharge from the eye, your child must be evaluated by a healthcare provider before returning to school. If diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis, the child should remain home while symptomatic or until 24 hours of antibiotic treatment has been completed.


Severe, uncontrolled, rapid coughing, wheezing, or difficulty breathing

YES – Keep your child home and contact a health care provider. If symptoms are due to asthma, provide treatment according to your child’s Asthma Action Plan. When symptoms are controlled, send your child to school.


Frequent, loose or watery stool may mean illness but can also be caused by food and medication

YES – If, in addition to diarrhea, your child acts ill, has a fever or is vomiting, please keep your child at home. If stool is bloody, if the child has abdominal pain, fever or vomiting, consult with a health care provider.


Fever usually means illness, especially if your child has a fever of 100.4 or higher as well as other symptoms like behavior change, rash, sore throat, vomiting etc.

YES – If your child has a fever of 100.4 or higher, keep them at home until his or her fever is below 100.4 for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. If the fever does not go away after 2-3 days or is 102.0 or higher, consult with a health care provider.

Rash With Fever

YES – Keep your child home if they have a rash with a fever. If a rash spreads quickly, is not healing, or has open weeping wounds, you should keep your child at home and have your child seen by a health care provider.

Strep Throat

Sore throat, fever, stomach ache, and red, swollen tonsils

YES – Keep your child at home for the first 24 hours after an antibiotic is begun. Your child may return to school when they have completed at least 24 hours of the antibiotics fever free and symptoms are improving


Child has vomited 2 or more times in a 24 hour period

YES – Keep your child at home until the vomiting has stopped for 24 hours. If vomiting continues, contact a health care provider.

Communicable Diseases

COVID-19 – fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste/smell, sore throat, fatigue, muscle aches, runny nose/congestion, diarrhea, nausea/ vomiting, headaches

YES – Keep your child at home until completion of at least five days of isolation.  Additional guidance can be found on our Health and Safety Guidance Document.

Communicable Diseases

Chicken Pox - fever, headache, stomach ache or sore throat, then a red itchy skin rash develops on the stomach first and then limbs and face

Measles & Rubella (German Measles) – swollen glands, rash that starts behind ears then the face and the rest of the body, sore joints, mild fever and cough, red eyes

Mumps – fever, headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, swollen tender salivary glands

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) – many rapid coughs followed by a high-pitched “whoop”, vomiting, very tired

YES – Keep your child at home until a health care provider has determined that your child is not contagious.

This information is based upon recommended guidelines from reliable sources to include the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics, and Public Health Association. Materials developed by the Alameda County Public Health Department.

For late arrival, please note the reason and the time of arrival.  

If Absent, please note the reason for absence. 
If reporting an ill child, include symptoms, especially if they have fever, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and/or cough. If your child has a diagnosis from a healthcare provider, please include that information.
If your student is ill but has not seen a physician, please be specific about your student’s symptoms. (i.e. fever w/temperature, cough, sore throat, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.)

If absent for consecutive days, complete the form on the first day of the absence and include the date range of the absence.


Parent/Guardian Contact Information

This form is to be submitted by the parent/legal guardian only.

Thank you for submitting the Woodlawn Elementary School Absence, Early Release, Late Arrival Attendance Form. Your submission has been received by the Woodlawn Elementary School main office. You may not receive the confirmation email of your submission that you are accustomed to seeing as we work through a systemwide update. However, the recipient of the form will receive the form if you are taken to the regular confirmation page that you see when you submit your form.